Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year

2009. Already. I can honestly say that it seems just yesterday that I was bracing for my last week of high school and starting to think about what I wanted as a carry on as I moved to my stage of life in Africa. But that was two years ago. That's incredible. I'm now a junior in college with more going on in my life than ever. I'm greatly thankful for all of the influences and people in my life. You know who you are. I pray that 2009 is a season in life that I will be able to look back on and smile. I'm not one for "Resolutions" because they're easy to abandon. That said, I look forward to growing all around and praying (already) about the next season in life. I dont know what it will hold, but thankfully that's not my job. That being said, I wanted everyone to know that as 2009 opens its pages, I'd like to start doing more photography, beyond just purely for my enjoyment. Family pictures, senior pictures, prom pictures, portrait pictures, birthday pictures, and almost anything in between. If you're interested, email me! Pitch done. 2008 was incredible, and I look forward to everything the Lord has for us in 2009.

To Him be the glory.



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